[scribus] Strange warning and crash with styles

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at t-online.de
Fri Feb 22 09:38:59 UTC 2013

Just experienced this and I wonder what went wrong.

Wanted to make couple of paragraph styles, "Kurs" giving some basic data 
and the others defining some deviations:

- Kurs Titel
- Kurs Beschreibung
- Kurs Daten

When I wanted to define Kurs Daten, there was a warning saying (in 
German) "This would result in an infinite loop". It had accepted the two 
other styles before without problem. So I tried not to give the name for 
the style first, and it accepted "Kurs" as the base style. Then I typed 
"Kurs Daten", no problem, so I thought I had cheated it. But when I 
clicked on "Apply", Scribus crashed completely.

Does it have to do with the names? Or what might have happened here?


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