[scribus] a) page numbering b)?bug inserting " character changes para style

Jerry Halberstadt subscriber at newtechpub.com
Thu Jan 24 23:08:03 UTC 2013

Page numbering.

I set up sections for roman and arabic numbers for front matter/book.

On the master page I created a text frame and inserted a #. Clearly this 
is not the way to enter the variable, because in the regular page I get 
a # rather than a numeral. what is correct method to do page numbering? 
Where do I find the variable character?

Insert double quote character changes style of paragraph!

When I insert a double quote (left or right) into text in a paragraph 
that has been formatted, sometimes the format changes. For example, from 
"default para" to "first para" or vice versa. Only visual difference in 
the two para styles is "first" has a two-line first letter hanging 
indent, so it is easy to spot the change.

Is it a bug? a feature? or something I should do differently?

By the way, it is truly tedious to have to open every  text frame, scan 
for the straight quotes, and then manualy "insert:quote:double right". 
Again, if there is a better way, please advise.

Scribus 1.4.1; Win XP PRO SP3


All the best,

Jerry Halberstadt
"Seeing the story, making a difference."
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