[scribus] a) page numbering b)?bug inserting " character, changes, para style (Staffan Melin (Oscillator))

Jerry Halberstadt subscriber at newtechpub.com
Fri Jan 25 14:36:01 UTC 2013

Steffan, hi. And thanks for asking:

	You did Insert > Character > Page number?
Actually, no, and that solved it.


Style change
I have no explanation for this behavior, sorry. Does it happen even if
you paste "pure" text (w/o style info)?

Yes. From the insert> quote >right double (in place of ")

Some programs, like FrameMaker, had a "smart quotes" feature that 
figured out left/right quotes...

Thanks for the help!

All the best,

Jerry Halberstadt
"Seeing the story, making a difference."
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