[scribus] Intuitive type resizing - Gerrit TypeSizer

Manuel Schmalstieg webdev at ms-studio.net
Thu May 9 09:05:54 UTC 2013

An interesting project by Erik van Blokland (@LettError), type design
teacher at KABK Den Haag:

"Erik van Blokland had an idea a little while ago to make a new unit for
sizing type on a computer. His students were telling him things like “Well,
I tried the text at 8pts and at 9pts and neither were working.” There’s a
huge difference between two points when small, and adversely, one point
size change when really big makes almost no difference at all. We should
also stop being defined by whole-number point sizes when a computer is
perfectly capable of decimal sizing. We should just use what looks right.
Enter the Gerrit.

A Gerrit (“1G”) isn’t a unit per se, but it’s a .25% increase or decrease
on the size before. So Gerrits as units only make sense when talking about
change—no one static size is 1G or -2G or 300G. Similarly 10G is equal to 1
Noordzij, but 1N isn’t equal to 10*1G. It’s calculated with a loop, more
like compounding interest."

Read more here (it was implemented as a custom InDesign plugin):


I think it's a brilliant idea. Would it be possible to add such a
functionality to Scribus?
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