[scribus] Advice on make this lay out.

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Fri Sep 27 13:35:01 UTC 2013

On 09/27/2013 08:46 AM, wena-parry at talktalk.net wrote:
> I am attempting to make a bilingual hymn book. The English on the left
> page and the Welsh on the right. The example I have made is very hard
> work – I have 3 text boxes on each page, the hymn number on the left,
> (for the English) that will also have notes, The hymns follow towards
> the mild – the page number at the bottom of each page.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53724979/Engraifft002.jpg
> The Welsh is opposite with the hymn numbers on the right. That will make
> the different language to face each other, so that both languages could
> be viewed together.
> The page size is to be A5. There will be some 280 pages. I am using
> Scribus 1.4. 2. on a Windows XP

One thing to decide is whether you're going to do this with A4 paper
folded in half or straight up with A5. If you do it with A4, the page
numbering is tricky.

If you use A5, then you can do a Double-sided layout to see your pages
side by side.

I would think for this many pages, you would want to make and edit your
text in an external text editor so you focus only on content, then when
you import to Scribus, you can then work on the layout, paragraph
styles, etc.

If it were me, I guess I would make one text file for the English, then
another for Welsh, then when you get ready to import you link the
appropriate pages/text frames.

We'll see what others think. You might as well upgrade to 1.4.3 also.


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