[scribus] Reach Text/Document Attributes through Scripter

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at t-online.de
Thu May 21 10:23:41 UTC 2015

Hi John,

Am 19.05.2015 21:55, schrieb John Culleton:

> Scripting in Scribus is limited to Python which
> IMO is a pity. If Tcl/Tk or any arbitrary C
> language program were usable I could come
> up with many new ideas. IMO Python belongs in a
> Zoo dedicated to such reptiles. I have written
> two python scripts for book cover design but no
> one has deigned to include them in the
> distribution.

By the way, what would you think about Gambas? It's actively supported 
and under constant development, and nearly everyone able to write a 
script can easily write code in a BASIC dialect. Moreover, this language 
can be easily adapted/extended to comprise specialties like in a DTP 
program, and working with strings is a charme. Gambas is also very 
reliable, it includes a non-GUI interpreter and has been extended by 
objects and inheriting. If you are interested: 

The only drawback would be that up to now it's Linux-only, but is there 
a Python in Windows?


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