[scribus] Improvements in 1.5.1

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Wed Sep 30 14:41:39 UTC 2015

> Le 30/09/2015 10:28, Craig Bradney a écrit :
>>> see : http://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=13339
>>> Can somebody explain me why this report has been closed ?
>> Because the content of the bug doesn't present any solution that I 
>> think is workable that is better than what we have now.
> Having consistent wording
> - Document preferences
> - Scribus preferences
> or
> - Document settings
> - Scribus settings
> or
> - Document settings
> - Default settings
> instead of the confusing labels we have now
> is both workable and IMO a noticeable step part of a solution.
> Don't you think it'd be better then what we have now ?

i have the feeling that as long as the two entries are in the same menu, 
next to each other, it's very likely that confusion will arise.

it's not a matter of the label.

my proposal:

create a "document" menu entry after "page" and move in there all the 
entries that relate to the document:

- file
    - document setup
- edit
    - color and fills
    - replace colors
    - styles
    - ...
    - javascript

possible more.

in the long term (or sooner if possible) we should also empty the 
"extras" menu and move its items to a relevant place ("manage images" 
could go to the newly created document).
that way we will not increase the number of menus in the bar.

this would help the users to understand, where they should look for a 
dialog. i have not found yet  a way to explain the current distribution 
among "edit", "extra" and "window"...


p.s.: i also would switch "item" and "insert" to have a nice line-up: 
file, edit, insert, item, page, document (well, it's not 100% logic, but 
for file and edit i think you want to stick to what all other programs do)..

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