[scribus] scribus 1.5.3 crashes when trying to modify a style with #6

William Bader williambader at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 12 14:16:18 UTC 2017

From: Karl-Wilhelm Frommeyer <karl-wilhelm.frommeyer at web.de>

Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 9:14 AM
To: scribus at lists.scribus.net
Subject: [scribus] scribus 1.5.3 crashes when trying to modify a style with #6

Dear colleagues,
I'm working on a longer file and defined and changes several times the chapter styles. I'm using Kubuntu 16.04, Kernel 64-bit.
Now when trying to modify a style scribus crashes at once.
More below.
Will there be a patch?
Kind regards Karl-Wilhelm

Karl-Wilhelm Frommeyer
Hachbergstr. 1, 79664 Wehr
Tel. 07762 2887

pathForIcon: Unable to load icon /usr/share/scribus-ng/icons/1_5_1/zeichen.png: File not found
load post 0 5307
pulling 2 lines
ASSERT: "di != -1" in file /build/scribus-ng-9TlqND/scribus-ng-1.5.3/scribus/ui/smcstylewidget.cpp, line 341
scribus-ng: /build/scribus-ng-9TlqND/scribus-ng-1.5.3/scribus/scribuscore.cpp:89: void abort_on_error(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext&, const QString&): Zusicherung »false« nicht erfüllt.
Scribus ist abgestürzt
Absturz durch Signal #6


Hi, The code at that point seems to be searching through the list of languages. di != -1 means that Scribus did not find the default language in the list of language name abbreviations. What is your default language? What does 'echo $LANG' or the 'locale' command return? It might be something like de_DE. Can you make a small document that if you open it and modify a given chapter style, Scribus will crash? Regards, William

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