[scribus] Using the Appimage file version of scribus

ale rimoldi ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Thu Mar 2 09:29:32 UTC 2017

hi martin

> Since I tend to make several typos in a line

when you're in a terminal you can use the tab key to complete a file name:


 > like this "chmod +x
> scribus-1.5.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage" and since I can never remember
> syntax anyway, I just right-click in some file-explorer and go
> "properties" and "access rights" and click to make it executable. Same
> thing as Greg was saying.
> Then I double click on the AppImage file or right-click and pick "run"
> and nothing happens for several seconds.

yes, using a file manager to make the appimage executable and double 
clicking it is a very good way to do that.

if it fails, running from the terminal can give you some further 
debugging infos, but using a file manager is the right think to do!


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