[scribus] Quick route to story editor.

scrib at wexfordpress.com scrib at wexfordpress.com
Wed Mar 15 16:05:58 UTC 2017


 From: "ale rimoldi" <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 5:05 AM
To: "Scribus User Mailing List" <scribus at lists.scribus.net>
Subject: Re: [scribus] Quick route to story editor.   
 hi john

> I know that at least one of the developers doesn't like the story editor

could you name him so that we can fire him?

> but I respectfully disagree. I use nothing else for text.

yep, if you only use scribus for covers and use latex for everything
else, that might be ok.

other people also use the story editor for specific tasks.

btw, have you ever tried to work with render frames and type your text
as latex inside of scribus?

> So what is the most direct way to create a text frame and then edit the
> frame in the story editor?

click on the frame and then press ctrl-t

> Second question: Is there a way to put the story editor icon on my icon
> bar permanently?

>it's already there. it's a T followed by a cursor bar.
 On my version of Scribus that icon is on a drop down menu but not on the
 icon bar.

> Third question: Are there plans to eliminate the story editor in the
> future?

no, not eliminating.
but replacing it with something that can show the formatting as tags
(but no wysiwyg)

have a wonderful day
 The furnace broke some time last night (now fixed) so the day is not 
starting out well. i am typing with cold fingers!

I am writing my current book on using Scribus  for book covers using the 
Context version of TeX. It would be nice to write it  using Scribus but too 
many things are missing. And it would take a lot of work to add them. My 
shopping list would include a much better TOC  facility, a good indexing 
facility, an ability to break a document into subfiles and so on. I am not 
criticizing, just explaining my decision. Scribus has strengths even for 
book pages when graphic inserts are frequent. These are clumsy in TeX.
 TeX is huge. LaTeX is only one component, an elderly one. I have only used 
LaTeX once in the past two decades for customer work, to use some special 
features of the Memoir Class of LaTeX.
 Formatting with tags is the TeX approach. Take a look at Context and at 
the other end of the simplicity scale Eplain. I have used both.
 WYSIWIG is a distraction.
 If I can help with design of specific new features from the user viewpoint 
do not hesitate to ask. My only remaining programming skill
 is COBOL :<)
 Thanks for your reply.
 John C


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