[scribus] preflight verifier

ZASKE Martin zm at revue-gugu.org
Wed Sep 6 11:06:59 UTC 2017

Hi list,

I have now moved from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4.svn because we had crashes when
moving images-frames with text flowing around it. This has been fixed in
1.5.4 so all is well.

I keep noticing that the Preflight Verifier always hangs, for no
apparent reason:

The line for "Layers" is totally empty, i.e. no problems.

The line for "Master Pages" is showing this: "Issues: 0", which I
believe also means no problems(?).

I am then forced to click "Ignore Errors" to move on with my PDF export.
This feels stupid when there are no errors.

This is the sort of behaviour which I struggle to explain, when I am
trying to win new users. And it annoys me personally.

Maybe it is meant as a feature, for professionals. It is confirming that
there are indeed no errors. Then the button might be re-labelled for
this case to say "Continue" or "Proceed with export".

We are being encouraged to discuss such things with the list, before
filing bug reports. So here you are.

- Why is the line for "Layers" empty instead of saying "Issues: 0" too?

- Do you prefer to explicitly see that you got no errors (since you
worked hard to get rid of them all)? Or would you prefer to click less
and move on when there are no errors?



ZASKE Martin
responsable GʊGʊ
BP 50 - Bassila - Bénin
tel GʊGʊ
tel pers

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