[scribus] text not printing

ZASKE Martin zm at revue-gugu.org
Tue Feb 13 10:03:17 UTC 2018

On 08.02.2018 23:41, Gregory Pittman wrote:
> On 02/08/2018 11:23 AM, ZASKE Martin wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I am always using/testing the latest Scribus for smaller projects. At
>> the moment I run scribus-1.5.4.svn-snapshot-180119-x64.exe on a fully
>> updated Windows 10 64bit.
>> I noticed (also with the previous svn) that when exporting to PDF, all
>> my text does not show. Illustrations, frames etc. get exported all right.
>> I searched through the bug tracker and did not find this. So I am asking
>> here: Is there anything I need to know or do?
>> I have my layers visible and printable. Have used Scribus for years and
>> believe that "I am doing it right". When I open those files with 1.5.3
>> and export again to PDF, then all my text does get exported (but some
>> other details get messed up and need tweaking, like line-styles or colours).
>> This is maybe only happening when I work on older documents, which have
>> <SCRIBUSUTF8NEW Version="1.5.3"> near the top. Have not taken time to
>> test this a lot. But I would like to hear some ideas, whether just to
>> wait for a new svn or to go back to 1.5.3 entirely, or needing to
>> activate some new and less-obvious feature?
> Hi Martin,
> This sounds like a missing font issue -- make sure that you have
> embedded the fonts or a subset, and if that doesn't work, try outlining
> the fonts.
> Greg

Dear Greg,

I thank you for your answer and for your reasonable first try for a

I can see that to you it sounds like a missing font issue. But since we
are working with an "exotic" language, I have gotten used to the habit
(for years now) to always outline all fonts - unless forced by something
to do otherwise.

I can also exclude missing fonts this way:

- I am working on my own computer, so I have the font
- I make the document
- I use the font, see the font on the screen
- I export to PDF, text is missing, illustrations are there
- I open the problematic Scribus-file in version 1.5.3, the text is there
- I export to PDF from 1.5.3 and the text gets exported in black

So I conclude this is not a missing font issue. It somehow occurs only
in the most recent 1.5.4svn. I am willing to file a bug report, but
wanted to hear from this list if it is a known issue or whether I need
to know about a new feature or something.

I know where to find the latest svn-snapshots. Is there a place (or some
filter in the bug management) which is documenting the changes or fixes
for each of those snapshots?

I had imagined something like "there is a new colour setting now; you
can differentiate between colour for editing-work-on-screen and
colour-for-final-export and we set the default for the latter to "white"
so that users would not miss this new feature".

Or maybe Scribus 1.5.4 is getting more "legally aware". So that fonts
without the proper licence, will silently be excluded during any
exporting. But: the font I used for my last documents (when this problem
hit me) was Fira Sans, one of the free-as-in-speech fonts.

So it must be something else. And just to be complete: I open and print
my exports with either Acrobat Reader DC or with Adobe Acrobat DC, not
some fluffy doubtful PDF tool.



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