[scribus] Double page spread

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Thu Apr 9 13:48:39 UTC 2020

On 4/9/20 8:45 AM, Colm O'Neill wrote:
> Thanks Šarūnas, I see this option, however, when I use it, (both Facing Page Right and Facing Page Left) the pdf is still exported in single pages. Is this possibly including some sort of instruction for the PDF reader to parse ?
> Or could this be a bug in my version of Scribus ? I'm on 1.5.5

This is one thing about using Facing Pages that is misleading. The only thing that happens is that pages are placed in the display in Scribus as if they were attached -- they're not, they're still individual pages.

To accomplish what you want to do for A4 pages, you would need to set up an A3 page in landscape mode, and divide the space into A4-sized areas, perhaps with Guides to help you. If you were going to print this, it would require some sort in imposition, but if you just want to be able to display pages side-by-side, this will work by itself.


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