[scribus] Shared DTP

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Thu Feb 20 14:33:47 UTC 2020

On 2/20/20 2:29 AM, JLuc wrote:
> When editing a document with multiple authors,
> web cooperation tools enable to cooperate amongst other :
> read, comment, rewrite, discuss, validate, etc
> But as for now, cooperation stops when scribus work begins :-(
> I wish there were a way to go on & share the work on a scribus document :
> not so much the work on the layout
> but at least and mostly the work on the included texts
> I found 2 reports about this :
> - Multiple users sharing one open document https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=1925
> - Link text frame to SLA file    https://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=10651

Hi JLuc,

It may not exactly fit what you want or need, but there is a script that is located in the "samples" directory with Scribus, called ExtractText.py.
What this does is to create a text file which contains a list of the text frames with the contents of each. In addition, it will indicate the image file used for image frames.

One of the things that happens when you access the text of a frame which might have several links is that the entire linked text is retrieved -- this is good since you don't have to try to piece together the text from the linked frames.

It would be easy for someone to share this text file so that others might review the text content (without the distraction of the layout). It might even be fairly easy to copy and paste a frame's corrected text, since the names of the text frames are also included in the text file.


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