[scribus] 1.5.7 Appimage won't Extract

Owen owen.cook at gmx.com
Tue Aug 31 10:15:43 UTC 2021

I am not sure I understand exactly what you want, but;

There is a file called BUILDING in the source, in part it reads;

Install the below packages BEFORE running CMake or compiling Scribus:

    Qt >= 5.14.0
        Freetype >= 2.1.7 (2.3.x strongly recommended)
        cairo >= 1.14.x
        harfbuzz = > 0.9.42
        libjpeg (depending on how Qt is packaged)
        libpng >= 1.6.0
        libtiff >= 3.6.0
        libxml2 >= 2.6.0
        LittleCMS (liblcms) >= 2.0 (2.1+ recommended)
        poppler and poppler-cpp >= 0.62.0

        Fontconfig >= 2.0
        GhostScript >= 8.0 (9.0+ or greater preferred)
        Python >= 3.6
        tkinter for the font sampler script
        python-imaging for the font sampler preview
        pkgconfig (to assist finding other libraries)
        hunspell for the spell checker
        podofo - 0.7.0+ for enhanced Illustrator AI/EPS import, svn versions
        boost and boost-devel

As an aside, from my own build;

owen at DTU:~$ objdump -p Scribus156/bin/scribus |grep NEEDED
  NEEDED               libcairo.so.2
  NEEDED               libQt5Xml.so.5
  NEEDED               libQt5Network.so.5
  NEEDED               libQt5PrintSupport.so.5
  NEEDED               libcups.so.2
  NEEDED               libfreetype.so.6
  NEEDED               libharfbuzz-icu.so.0
  NEEDED               libharfbuzz.so.0
  NEEDED               libicuuc.so.66
  NEEDED               libtiff.so.5
  NEEDED               libpng16.so.16
  NEEDED               libz.so.1
  NEEDED               libjpeg.so.8
  NEEDED               libGraphicsMagick-Q16.so.3
  NEEDED               libfontconfig.so.1
  NEEDED               libdl.so.2
  NEEDED               liblcms2.so.2
  NEEDED               libpodofo.so.0.9.6
  NEEDED               libQt5Widgets.so.5
  NEEDED               libQt5Gui.so.5
  NEEDED               libQt5Core.so.5
  NEEDED               libstdc++.so.6
  NEEDED               libm.so.6
  NEEDED               libgcc_s.so.1
  NEEDED               libc.so.6


> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 4:13 AM
> From: "Matt Miller" <matt.miller at fastmail.com>
> To: scribus at lists.scribus.net
> Subject: Re: [scribus] 1.5.7 Appimage won't Extract
> On Mon, Aug 30, 2021, at 10:17, Joe Zeff wrote:
> > On 8/30/21 8:45 AM, Matt Miller wrote:
> > > I've been working with the Scribus appimage for 1.5.7, and it works fine if I run it as-is. However, I'm finding a need to extract it, and the --appimage-extract option is crashing.  It starts out fine, but then aborts.
> >
> > What distro are you using?  I know that for Fedora, among others,
> > Scribus is available to be installed from an rpm, deb or whatever.
> I'm using Debian, but, my goal with this is to run Scribus from a Docker container.  I'm trying to move my document build steps to the cloud, but I don't want to pay for a dedicated Linux instance for that.  If I can build a Docker container that runs Scribus then I think I'll be in a better overall position in the cloud.  Instead figuring out all the other Linux packages my container would need for Scribus, I thought the appimage approach would be faster.  However, I then found that appimages use FUSE, and Docker doesn't like FUSE.  The --appimage-extract-and-run option gets rid the need for FUSE, but, then I hit this extract error.
> I searched Docker Hub and didn't find a Scribus container already made!

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