[Scribus] image in the middel of the text

E. Boer edbo.design
Wed Sep 14 17:17:06 CEST 2005


I worked a day with Scribus and I like it. But I have one thing I don't
know. On a page I create a textframe from upper-left to bottom-right. I
put text into it, no problem sofar. Next I create an imageframe in the
middel of the page and activate the option text around frame and stroke
the frame with an thickness of 1px. Everything okay, but I want a
distance (e.g. 10px) between the text and the stroked imageframe. See

This text    |     |
have a       |     |
distance     |     |
to the       |     |
stroked frame|     | 
      ^        ^   ^
      |        |   |- border of 1px around the image
      |        |
      |        |- the distance I need
      |- text

How can I do this? Oh, I working with Scribus 1.3.0


E. Boer

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