[Scribus] AND operation

avox avox
Fri Jun 9 17:46:18 CEST 2006

Matthijs Zwinderman wrote:
> And Andreas, where can I get that version (the 1.3.4cvs-version)?
> (because that also sounds promising)

You have to checkout from anonymous cvs, described here: 

First install the newest cairo, at least 1.1.6 or 1.1.8. Download from here: 

You should probably download from git since both cairo & Scribus are
at a fast pace in this area.

Then configure Scribus as "make -f Makefile.cvs; ./configure --with-cairo
..." or 
"cmake -DWANT_CAIRO=1" (depending on what build system you want to use)

and build.

This is only true for Linux/Unix though. Cairo isn't supported for
Scribus/Aqua yet 
and for Scribus/Win32 you'd have to wait till the first snapshot is


In fact I just mentioned this because I didn't want the discussion to drift 
to other products only :-) Normal users will have to wait a little until
feature becomes stable enough.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/AND-operation-t1755251.html#a4795825
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