[scribus] Cut and Paste Oo formatting

Helge Hielscher hhielscher at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 13:29:31 CEST 2008

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 13:03:09 +0200, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
> What I usually do is not to check any of the options but just let the text
> come in as plain as possible. Scribus will invent a lot of additional
> paragraph styles for the text, ok, they can be deleted later.
> Then I open the text in the editor, mark it completely and give it a
> uniform paragraph style, "Text" or so. I switch back into layout to see
> what the text looks like, if it needs more frames etc. Then I start with
> the more specialised paragraph styles such as "Over Heading", "Heading",
> "Under Heading", "Introduction", "1st Paragraph", "Intermediate Heading"
> etc. Maybe the frames have to be adapted a bit.
> The last step then is to go through the original text and look for hard
> formattings like the ones I mentioned before, and to replace the fonts
> accordingly. This is the step I meant, and I meant the text editor. Of
> course, this was partly directed to the developers.

Maybe you find it easier to strip all formattings beforehand. I
use odf2txt or antiword for this. There is also the advantage that with
txt files there are lots of tools to compare two files (e.g. meld,
kdiff3). That gives me the choice of either reimporting the text or doing
small changes by hand, keeping the formatting done with Scribus.


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