[scribus] custom line styles usage existing and maybe a suggestion

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Mon Oct 26 20:39:00 CET 2009

hallo herr K,

> What I would like (and I know a number of others will want if we were
> to convince them of the merits of scribus) is a means to do more with
> the line more akin to "border art" in Publisher.

well, it's a pity that publisher doesn't set the standard for
scribus :-)

> So if it is not already possible would applying a "pattern" i.e. 
> crosshatching or colour gradients be possible. Or maybe embedding at 
> least one char or maybe a string of char from a spooky font (e.g.
> from wingdings)  that can be repeated i.e. an asterisk or a star and
> that could be controlled like the line controls existing (e.g. four
> asterisks side by side a gap of some amount and then repeat the
> pattern four asterisks, space etc.)
> Is any of the above already possible ?

the problem is, that it's really not easy to implement it right.

the best way to do it, is to create the frame in inkscape, with 
the correct size, export it to svg and import it in scribus.


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