[scribus] Scaling group with text AND Picture

Nikita Sagl nikita.s at gmx.at
Fri Nov 26 17:54:12 CET 2010


Scribus 1.3.8 on Ubuntu 10.4

i tried to design my logo in Scribus. Its made out of simpe coloured
text and three pictures in picture boxes.
I then grouped the 4 Elements and saved it in Scrapebook, for reusing it
on different pages.
The problem I discovered is, that when i try to scale the whole group,
just the text is being scaled, the pictures not, they remain in size and
on the place the had within the group.
Is there a way to scale within a text-and-picture-mixture-box both

i know I can create and insert a logo designing it via inkscape or the
gimp first, but wonder, if it is possible to do it the way I tried.
Would be nice.

thank you, 
liebe Grüße,
Nikita Sagl

PS.: Tried something meanwhile: I put the text in the right size and
placed the pictures the way I want them. Than i group the Elements and
save them in scrapbook.
But when i try to reuse this group, whether on the same page or another,
the text isn't visible anymore. The textbox shows me the sign, that its
too small for the text.
Next problem: After ungrouping the group (which I inserted using
scrapbook before) i have no access to the single picture and text boxes.
A bug?
Or is there a way to solve this?

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