[scribus] Creating multi- page magazine

wena-parry at talktalk.net wena-parry at talktalk.net
Wed Oct 3 11:06:56 UTC 2012


I haven’t heard of "gedit" or "kate",
I am assuming that they are some sort of word processors.
So can they import from MS word and do they format e.g. Italics, bold, 
underline, that comes through into Scribus 1.4.1?

To return to the thread I have found the usefulness of the frames and 
if we think in terms of layers the become even more useful. Having all 
my pages with text frames and find I need a graphic I can move the text 
aside and place a graphic there and if a need a peace of text on the 
graphic I can open a small text frame there.

Wena D. Parry

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