[scribus] Creating multi- page magazine

Manuel code at greyscalepress.com
Thu Oct 4 19:39:36 UTC 2012

> Writing
> for either magazines, books, or similar presentations would seem to be best
> done in a text editor or even a word processor.  I can understand Greg's
> point of using a text editor as importing into a frame is likely easier
> than when the work was written in a word processor, even if it is Libre
> Office in an .odt format.

In texts for magazines or books, you will always have some headers for
sections of the text, some bold, some italic. It seems very
inefficient to re-create those in Scribus. A much better way would be
to import the text with those styles, and then search-replace them
with precise paragraph and character styles that you set up in

> After importing a long work, despite what we might like, the person editing
> the work, must apply whatever embellishments or adjustments are required to
> make the text look like a it should for final presentation.

Exactly. This could be improved dramatically if the character styles
were available in the Search-Replace dialog. See ticket #4538 :


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