[scribus] Creating multi- page magazine

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Thu Oct 11 18:34:48 UTC 2012

hi joop,

> Markdown is really meant as a starting point, you can write a normal
> text file with things like *this* and _this_ and
> - list like this
> - as you can see
> as well as headers up to several levels being converted by Pandoc to
> odt, docx, rtf, html or whatever you need. However, converting (back)
> to markdown will lose basically most non-semantic style information
> (which can be an advantage). You can configure Pandoc to use an ODT or
> DOCX file (or some template for other formats) to provide the styles
> themselve to create the document exactly as you need it to import in
> Scribus.
> The nice thing here is that you can completely separate content from
> format, and you can write anywhere in just text, but no need to lack
> semantics.

afaict (and it's not that easy in this thread :-) we were talking about
"connecting" the text frame in scribus with an external file.

as much as i love (not i confess not use that often) markdown, i wonder
if the user will be happy to lose all the formatting they carefully did
in scribus, each time the markdown source file is edited.
or, what would be the usecases in which this would be acceptable /
wished by the scribus user?

but i think that we should put a markdown import filter on the todo

have a nice evening

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