[scribus] How can we learn Scribus”.

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at t-online.de
Fri Oct 19 08:23:10 UTC 2012

Am 18.10.2012 13:18, schrieb Owen:
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 06:43:05 -0400
> wena-parry at talktalk.net wrote:
>> This thread had started under the thread
>> "How can I get a double underline in Scribus." but progressed to this
>> subject, I have therefor taken the liberty to move it to this thread,
>> a.l.e and Rolf we have now moved this thread a little further with
>> both of your welcome comments. It makes me a little more comfortable
>> to take part. I am glad that the subject of learning has come up –
>> and participation is the key.
>> Now, I had raised the topic of importing from (Open Office)ODT files.
>> May be my Welsh ness that made it harder to understand my fellow
>> contributors to this subject on the forum. However, ones I had solved
>> and understood why I couldn’t import. I wrote it out as a
>> contribution to some one else to overcome the same problem. doesn't
>> lead to a clear conclusion.
>> A label on the tread name declaring, “Solved” would be useful.
>> Another help would be to be able to be able to take for instant this
>> thread to a more appropriate one like, “How can we learn Scribus”.
>> Forgive me for doing exactly that and making another thread with this
>> subject.
> I think you will find you can't move threads. Threads are dependant on
> a few headers, mainly Message-ID and In-Reply-To
> Your message was
> in reply to "mailman.2583.1350552089.25036.scribus at lists.scribus.net"
> and you will probably find this message has the a similar
> identification
> You really can only start a new thread by starting a new message.
> Otherwise some email clients will get confused (not to mention the
> reader)

My mailer (Thunderbird) somehow recognizes the thread correctly: The 
original Re: is at the beginning, followed by Wena's and your mails 
underneath in the new branch of the tree.

So maybe not that bad idea :-)

A [solved] tag wouldn't make that much sense, I guess, in a mailing 
list. But correct me if I'm wrong. I just haven't seen that anywhere.

Let's pick up the discussion in the new thread. To make a start, I'll 
tell you my ideas.

There are some classic problems a newcomer will have to deal with when 
starting with DTP. It's not about the program, it's about the product. 
So a tutorial could start at that point: How to design a cover, an 
index, an editorial, a standard magazine article, an application form, etc.

I would imagine a small number of design proposals for each of such 
topics to be followed in the tutorial, i. e. "how do I realize this 
design", "how do I realize that design", etc.

At the same time - within the explanations of steps - one might offer 
cross-references to more technical explanations on basic and expert 
knowledge, e. g. "what is a layer good for" or "how to cope with 
kerning". The cross-references could be marked with some icon to say 
"for beginners" or "for experts".

As we all know, a picture tells more than thousand words, so the most 
important aspect to me seems graphics. You can refer to the example 
design(s) and include drawings to explain layers, kerning, colors and so 
on. The other day, I found this example on 

(I hope it is shown without breaks in your mailer, and sorry for 
non-German speakers)

echo 'So sprach'"'"'s und ging ohne einen Backslash (\) weiter.'
           │      │                       │
           │      │                       └ Dritter Bereich: Wieder von '
           │      │                         umschlossen, der Backlash
           │      │                         verliert seine Sonderbedeutung.
           │      │
           │      └ Zweiter Bereich: Von " umschlossen, enthält ein
           │        einzelnes '.
           └ Erster Bereich: Von ' umschlossen.

Very simple stuff, and after studying it for five minutes, I knew what 
to do. When we talked about a tutorial, this is what I remembered.



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