[scribus] How can we learn Scribus”.

Frank Murphy frankly3d at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 09:07:14 UTC 2012

On 19/10/12 09:23, Rolf-Werner Eilert wrote:
not that bad idea :-)
> A [solved] tag wouldn't make that much sense, I guess, in a mailing
> list. But correct me if I'm wrong. I just haven't seen that anywhere.

"Solved" is the norm in most dev\user mls' (1),
it means another you has searched the archive.
Can go straight to the solution that worked,
instead of wading though the ping-ping of the whole thread.

(1) Usually found more often in floss,
as it has passed down from the old
usenet days. before the arrival of
popular systems like MS Windows,
where the users, in the main never used
mail before, and had tothing to guide them.

Someone will also read this post, and agree\disagree.
But it will be read because it's here,
not because it contains anything new
or pertinent to learning Scribus.

"Jack of all, fubars"

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