[scribus] User Interface in Windows

ZASKE Martin zm at revue-gugu.org
Wed Sep 6 12:16:15 UTC 2017

Dear list,

for reasons out of my control, I spend most of my work-week on Windows
machines. I love Scribus.

I am hearing that in preparation of the upcoming 1.6.0 there will be
work on the GUI.

What is bugging me a lot (in Windows 10, with all the recent Scribus
versions) is that positions and sizes of all sub-windows keep getting lost.

For example the Open Document window is far too small. It only shows six
entries of the default folder. I can pull it to full screen-size, but
next time I need it, again it is too small.

I have seen better behaviour in Linux, where windows snap lightly to
each other and where position and size is retained, even when next
starting Scribus.

Please take this not as a complaint. If there is a setting, I have
searched and not found. Please forgive and advise. But if this setting
is still missing for the Windows versions, please consider to include
this as a feature which will be love by most users and will make Scribus
even more awesome.

If there is a work-around for the time being (for 1.5.4.svn), maybe some
Windows tool, to remember windows sizes and positions, please let me know.

Thank you.


ZASKE Martin
responsable GʊGʊ
BP 50 - Bassila - Bénin
tel GʊGʊ
tel pers

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